Sunday, August 1, 2010


Sometimes you wish you could go back... start over.. Try to be better... but we don't realize what that would mean..

Because if we were do rewind, our whole life then we would have to work up our courage again. We would have to admit something again. We would have to make friends again, and enemies. We would have to make mistakes again.

So is it more worth it to dwell on mistakes that you cannot change? Or can we just treat it like an unwanted line we drew in a picture without an eraser? I say we make something out of that line instead of wishing it wasn't there i say we be proud of it. Proud that we are aloud to say that we are not perfect and neither are you. Because believe it or not, someone out there has made that same mistake and they understand. and knowing that someone understands makes it even less of a mistake. And even though you might feel stupid, you have actually become that much smarter.

-Skyy Egelund

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